Table 2

Summary of the design of ongoing randomised trials of screening for prostate cancer

Trial (reference) and trial groupsRandomisation model and inclusion yearsStart ages
Participation ratePSA cut-off
Ancillary testPre-biopsy MRIStandard biopsy protocolPrimary outcome
Number of men
ProScreen109Before consent
YesPCa mortality
 Screening group29 00050–6352%*3.04KScoreYesTBx+SBx
 Control group88 000Clinical routineClinical routine
Gothenburg-292Before consent
50–60YesClinically insignificant PCa
 Screening group39 00047%
  Screening arm 13.0YesSBx+TBx
  Screening arm 23.0YesTBx
  Screening arm 31.8YesTBx
 Control group19 000Clinical routineClinical routine
PROBASE94After consent
11%YesMetastatic PCa age 60
 Early screening start23 000453.0YesTBx+SBx
 Standard start age23 000503.0YesTBx+SBx
  • *Inclusion is ongoing.

  • PCa, prostate cancer; PSA, prostate-specific amtigen; SBx, systematic biopsy; TBx, targeted biopsy.