This study reports a comprehensive description of CD8+T cell distribution in ECs by molecular subtype. This work explored the application of automated cell counting as a means of high-volume TILs phenotyping. Our findings indicate that MLH1-methylated ECs are immunologically distinct from ECs in confirmed LS carriers. Furthermore, Lynch Like ECs, a group that will include both somatic and inherited MMRd, are not immunologically comparable ECs found in women with confirmed LS. Finally, path_POLE ECs are as immunogenic, if not more so, than LS associated ECs indicating that they may be ideal targets for immunotherapy. These data could have significant implications for the application of immune treatments in ECs and our understanding of the immune environment of EC.
LS carriers are known to survive multiple, normally lethal, primary cancers.28 29 This is despite cancers in LS being associated with locally aggressive and poor prognostic features when compared with MMR proficient cancers.14 This may be explained by the association between MMRd ECs and high numbers of TILs; a phenomenon that is well established.11 Furthermore, higher numbers of TILs are associated with better survival.13 17 MMRd therefore seems to generate an immune response which in turn confers a survival benefit for the patient. The accumulation of frame shift mutations that occur in a MMRd cancer leads to the production of frame-shift peptides, de facto neo-antigens, which in turn elicit a tumour specific immune response.18 This mechanism is also seen in path_POLE cancers.30 Such immunogenic cancers invoke immune-editing and escape mechanisms often via upregulation of the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway.10 However, PD-1 and PD-L1 expression have been found to be poor proxies of immunotherapy response.31 Furthermore, recent murine data has indicated that somatically driven MMRd leads to heterogenous immunological response in part due to the timing of MMR inactivation and the variation in clonal expansion.32
Case reports have described favourable treatment outcomes from the application of PD-1 blockade in path_POLE cancers.15 33 Furthermore, recent trials have explored the application of PD-1 blockade in MMRd cancers, reporting positive results.20 21 34 35 The best treatment response was seen in those tumours with the highest CD8+T cell numbers; specifically, high CD8+T cell densities (cells/mm2) within the tumour core. However, traditionally trials heavily rely on cancers in LS patients with up to 48% carrying germline path_MMR.20 34 This does not reflect clinical practice where the majority of MMRd cancers arise from somatic hyper-methylation of the MLH1 promotor region; this is especially the case in EC.22 36 No subgroup analysis was performed in these studies exploring the differences in response between somatic versus germline derived MMR loss as it was assumed their immune response was homogenous. However, there are distinct differences between these groups.11 13 Furthermore, not all MMRd ECs respond to immunotherapy, and therefore the use of CD8+T cell density could be a means to better stratify treatments.17 21 Certainly, the variation in treatment response that has been noted in clinical trials can potentially be explained by the variation in MMRd aetiology.35 Our results confirm that CD8+T cell numbers is significantly different between LS confirmed and MLH1-methylated ECs.
This observation is in keeping with the literature exploring the biology of these tumours. LS carriers have a defective MMR gene from conception. Although they carry a wild type allele, which for the most part preserves MMR system function, the mutant allele is expressed and this halplosufficiency may lead to low levels of MSI.37 In addition, they are more likely to periodically develop MMRd cells which do not develop into a malignancy.38 These two mechanisms explain the presence of a frame-shift peptide specific immunity in healthy LS carriers.39 Therefore, LS carriers develop a pre-primed immune system with a memory of MMRd generated frame-shift peptides, so that when a MMRd EC develops, they mount a more pronounced and cytotoxic immune response. As somatic hypermethylation of the promotor region of MLH1 is an acute event, that is not present from conception, the period of haplosufficiency is less than in LS. In addition, the change is clonal and not constitutional. Therefore, the degree of frame-shift peptide production is likely to be lower than in LS healthy carriers as far fewer cells are affected in the pre-cancerous stage. This may limit priming of the immune system and reduce the magnitude of a subsequent immune response to sporadic EC.32
Another finding was that path_POLE somatic ECs have a similar CD8+T cell count to LS ECs. POLE is vital in DNA synthesis and maintaining DNA fidelity.30 Path_POLE ECs have an ultra-mutated phenotype with a mutational burden that exceeds MMRd-EC.7POLE ultramutated-ECs produce a rich abundance of antigenic neoepitopes compared with MMRd cancers.40 Furthermore, path_POLE are an early event in sporadic cancers and therefore the production of neoantigens is early and persistent during tumourigenesis.40 Due to this massive and sustained immune activation, it follows the immune response seen in path_POLE ECs would be similar to that seen in LS ECs, where neo-antigens are less abundant but produced over many years. Interestingly we did not see a variation in CD8+T cell counts within LS itself, in that no specific gene (path_MLH1, path_MSH2, path_MSH6 or path_PMS2) demonstrated a significant difference in CD8+T cell density. This is expected given the dimeric relationship seen within in MMR proteins in which if one is defunct its partner protein is also often absent. Therefore, a defective MMR gene leads to global consequences with the MMR system.41
Our study has several key strengths. First, it includes over 600 ECs, giving a broad spectrum of samples from which, we derive our analysis. Second, the molecular groups were defined using diagnostic methods used clinically, and therefore reflect real world experience. We included a large cohort of ECs arising in confirmed LS carriers; to the authors’ knowledge, this is the largest number of such samples to undergo CD8+T cell phenotyping. Third, all our automated tissue segregation and counts were reviewed manually to ensure accuracy. Finally, this paper explores a crucial clinical question: are LS ECs immunologically different to other MMRd ECs? Our data suggesting they are, could inform better selection of EC patients for immunotherapy and this phenomenon should now be explored in treated cohorts.
Our study has limitations. Many of the ECs were sourced from the prospectively recruited PORTEC 1 and 2 studies, which restricted trial entry to stage 1 (PORTEC 1) and high-risk low stage ECs (PORTEC 2). It is unclear whether our findings are applicable to advanced stage ECs where immunotherapy arguably has most clinical utility and application. Women recruited to the BOLT study who contributed to the confirmed LS cohort were mostly LS ECs survivors; this could mean the cohort represented ECs with a survivable biology. However, LS ECs are known to have an excellent prognosis, more so than sporadic disease and therefore we believe these samples remain clinically representative.42 Furthermore, due to the design of our study, we cannot explain why we see a difference in CD8+T cells here. We do not know whether this is due to increased cellular recruitment/chemotaxis, cell survival or clonal expansion. In addition, due to the volume of samples analysed in this study, we did not phenotype the subsets of CD8+T cells or other immune cells within our samples. Of note, there is a considerable difference in age between those with MLH1-methylated ECs (mean age 65 years old at diagnosis) and those with confirmed LS (53 years old at diagnosis). This is expected due to the inherited nature of LS. However, it means that we cannot exclude the possibility that age is a confounding factor in our findings. Finally, our cohorts did not have meaningful representation of non-white women. This prevented us from exploring the impact of ethnicity on immune microenvironment.
In conclusion, to our knowledge, this work presents the most comprehensive phenotyping of CD8+T cells in ECs stratified by molecular subgroup. This study found that CD8+T cell counts and distribution are not equal between MLH1-methylated and confirmed LS ECs and we have outlined the potential biology underlying these differences. Our findings call for a review of current trial data looking to the application of immunotherapy in MMRd cancers. These trials have historically heavily relied on patients with LS. Our data may indicate this group is more susceptible to these treatments than the more clinically numerous, sporadic MMRd endometrial tumours. CD8+T cell density may be an important prognostic indicator of immunotherapy response and should be further explored in prospective treatment cohorts.